Saturday, November 19, 2011

Military Tattoo

We just finished our annual observance of Military Tattoo at Valley Forge Military Academy & College. It was an outstanding event and everyone involved did an amazing job!

Heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to all the staff, faculty, and students who worked so hard and practiced so long for this event. Your dedication and hard work were evident to all.

Well done!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Another Jason Babin

Since moving to Valley Forge, I had to find a new service location for my Jeep Wrangler. Took it in to a dealership nearby, and they suddenly rolled out the "red carpet" when they saw my name. I didn't realize what was happening at first, then I remembered ... a certain NFL player (Philadelphia Eagles) and I have the same name. Sorry guys, it's just me :)


What a year 2011 has been! Philadelphia almost never experiences earthquakes or hurricanes, but we've had both in the past few months. And, as if that weren't enough, we had a Halloween snowstorm. Not since 1979 has the Mid-Atlantic region had snow in October!

It's another exciting year at Valley Forge Military as well. My former boss, CPO Paul Green, moved to a new position in Georgia, and I assumed his position as lead officer at Martin Hall. I can't thank Chief Green enough for all that he taught me, or Valley Forge for entrusting me with such a great position. The cadets and staff of Martin Hall promise to make you proud!